I made a portrait for Tsubasa, you can watch the speed paint of it on my YouTube channel (linked in the ‘MORE’ section).
Not much else to add, I’ve been nursing a foot injury for the past 2 weeks and it finally seems like it’s getting better. At least I’m not limping all day at work anymore. I’m also nearing the next stage my current crochet project, where I’m making granny squares for tiny 10g skeins of cotton yarn. I have made 120 square and I’m in the process of sewing in the end on the last 30. I’m going to be turning them into a tote bag and purse I think.
I should start taking pictures so I can share them here. I think that would liven up the blog section a bit. Specially when I talk about the art and fiber arts stuff. Like this maybe;
New art of Tsubasa, can be found in the 2024 gallery and on the main character page for bnm.
I think he turned out really cute, and the awkward smile really suits him.